Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kat's New Scrapbook items

I have been working on projects for my regular customers and been too busy to put out a new layout but do have one in the making. So, check back later for a new layout. I know to some, it is just too early to think about the holidays, but as you probably noticed, in most retail stores, they have already started putting out items. I will start on those projects soon. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together it keeps me very busy. If you have any suggestions that you would like me to know please just leave a comment on one of the blog post and I will be happy to take it into consideration.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Scrapbook Layout/SOLD

Here's my "Back to School" layout. I have in this layout a sample of my original artwork. A little girl I named "Wendy". My first series of "Wendy" will be posted soon! This layout is in my ecrater store.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kat's Scrapbooking Group

I started a group called KATS (Kat's Amazing Talented Scrappers. It is a place to share your photos of your scrapbook projects or share whatever is going on in your scrapbook world! You can also share the links to websites, blogs, ect.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kat's New Scrapbook Layout "Princess"

Here's a new layout! It's in my ecrater store!
Link on left side

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kat's Scrapbook items on Ecrater

Here's a sample of new title toppers!
Take a look at my new title toppers in my ecrater store. They are idea to add to your own scrapbook pages.
Just click on "Kat's Ecrater Store" banner (left side) to view the rest!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kat's Scrapbook Kreations Will Have New items Friday

I have been working on several projects and even though my "scrapper's elbow" is still giving me problems, I am making some progress! I will list some new items this Friday, Aug. 14th. So, don't forget to stop back by and see what I have listed!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kat's Scrapbook Progress

Have you ever heard of "tennis elbow" or "golfers elbow"? My general physician says that I have "scrappers elbow"! LOL!! Having this awful pain in my elbow, has slowed me down, however, I'm making some progress, but at a much slower pace than I like! Please be patient with me as I put out some new items soon!
I have a great site that I want to share if you need that certain layout title or maybe you are just looking for something different from the same ole thing. They have hundreds of titles to choose from. I use it quite often. Also, look through their gallery. There's hundreds of ideas there!
Just click on title of this post and it will take you to the home page!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Customers List for Kat's Scrapbook Kreations

I've had a few want to know how to purchase my items. I list a few things on ebay and ecrater but most of my items, I sell to the public through me. I only share a few items on this blog. If you would like me to include you on my email list click on "Email Kat" below. I do not take special requests but I do take suggestions!
Email Kat