Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Tip For Cricut Users!

If most of you are like me, you use your cricut all the time! I keep Wal Mart in business by buying just the mats! LOL! But I have found a new way to make the mats last a little longer. I have heard about the spray adhesive that you can spray on the mats but this tip also works. You can buy a "Zig 2-way" glue stick and run it across evenly on your mat, let it dry and it will work almost good as new! Now, the only problem I had, is if you put too much of the glue in one spot, the paper will stick and it's hard to get it off. So, try to make sure you get it as evenly as possible. Try it and let me know how it worked for you!

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Single Page Scrapbook Layout

This is a single page layout. I made a similar layout for my grandson. It turned out so cute I decided to do one for a little girl. I haven't listed this yet. I am putting it here for a few days until I decide whether I want to put it in one of my stores or ebay. If you are interested in purchasing it through me, let me know and I will send a paypal invoice.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kat's New Scrapbook Borders/SOLD

I know I am way early on this one, but I just couldn't help myself!
Just click on title of post and it will take you to ebay listing.

Good Morning from Kat

Good Morning!
I have been up since around 5 o'clock working on scrapbook borders. I love this time of the year! Tis the Season to start scrapping! I have lots of new ideas and I hope to share them with you real soon!

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Halloween Scrapbook Layout/SOLD

There's a Halloween layout that's on ebay!
Just click on title of this post and it will take you to the listing.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Scrapbook Tags in new Etsy store

I decided to open a Etsy store also since most of my items I make several of each. Mostly my smaller items, like titles and tags. And also to see which store I get the best results. I made the scrapbook tags one night when I couldn't sleep!
Buy Handmade